6 Habits We Can Imbibe of Sportspeople in Our Professional Lives

6 Habits We Can Imbibe of Sportspeople in Our Professional Lives

6 Habits We Can Imbibe of Sportspeople in Our Professional Lives

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With the Cricket world cup fever peaking in this part of the world, especially India with its winning streak. Let us inspect some of the unusual and inspiring traits of sportspeople that we should emulate.  Sportspeople are some of the most dedicated and disciplined people in the world. They train long and hard, pushing themselves to their limits both physically and mentally. They are also masters of teamwork and motivation.

I played sports during school and college, except one 3 were team sports. I learnt much more about life skills from the time on the field than in the classroom. Honestly. These are 6 habits that I believe can help us in our professional lives.

1. Set goals and work towards them.

All successful sportspeople have clear goals that they are working towards. They know what they want to achieve and they are willing to put in the hard work to make it happen. In our professional lives, we should also set goals for ourselves. These goals should be challenging but achievable. We should also break them down into smaller steps so that we can track our progress and stay motivated.

Book recommendation: Atomic Habits by James Clear

2. Be disciplined.

Discipline is essential for success in any field, but it is especially important in sports. Sportspeople have to be able to train regularly, even when they don’t feel like it. They also have to be able to control their diet and sleep habits. In our professional lives, we should also be disciplined. We should be able to manage our time effectively and avoid procrastination.

Book recommendation: The Power of Discipline by Daniel Walter

3. Be a team player.

No one can achieve success in sports on their own. Everyone on the team has to work together towards a common goal. In our professional lives, we should also be team players. We should be willing to collaborate with our colleagues and help them to succeed.

Book recommendation: The Five Dysfunctions of a Team by Patrick Lencioni

4. Be motivated.

Motivation is essential for overcoming challenges and achieving goals. Sportspeople are highly motivated, and they are able to find motivation in even the most difficult circumstances. In our professional lives, we should also be motivated. We should find ways to stay motivated, even when things are tough.

Book Recommendation: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey

5. Be resilient.

Things don’t always go according to plan in sports. There will be setbacks and failures along the way. But successful sportspeople are able to bounce back from these setbacks and keep moving forward. In our professional lives, we should also be resilient. We should not be discouraged by setbacks, but instead learn from them and use them to fuel our success.

Book recommendation: Developing Resilience A Cognitive-Behavioural Approach by Michael Neenan 

6. Be confident.

Confidence is essential for success in any field. Sportspeople who are confident in their abilities are more likely to succeed. In our professional lives, we should also be confident. We should believe in ourselves and our abilities.

Book Recommendation: Inner Excellence Train Your mind for Extraordinary Performance and the best possible Life by Jim Murphy

By following these tips in the blog and reading the recommendations, we can learn from the habits and traits of sportspeople and improve our own professional lives.

In addition to the six habits and traits listed above, there are many other things that we can learn from sportspeople. We can learn about the importance of hard work, dedication, and perseverance. We can also learn about the importance of sportsmanship and humility. By following the example of sportspeople or learning a sport, we can achieve great things in our own lives.

About the author:

I authored my debut novel 'Of Unspoken Words and Half Said Truths' in early 2020. The book sold out the first edition in the first few months of release, woot woot! I maintain this blog to express my thoughts on an array of topics from books, art, movies, shows, corporate gyan, lifestyle, relationships, and much more.

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