Lessons I learnt in 2018

Lessons I learnt in 2018

Lessons I learnt in 2018

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Life has a funny way of unfolding. 2018 was a year of some new beginning for me, like joining a new work-place, moving into a new house, aspiring to do a few new things. Apart from many life lessons I learnt, the one that hit me hardest was about how one cannot trust people.


I am a generally trusting person. I would call a spade a spade. If I have a disagreement with you, I would say it or as matured people do, keep quiet until the time is right for the said discussion. However, the past year, I came across a milieu of double-faced people. And it so happened, that both, personal and professional life was thronged with them. It’s not like I have never faced these people before, but this time around the people were directly impacting my life.


What I did to keep my sanity intact was to trust my very closest inner circle. This comprises of very few people whom I can talk to, about personal and professional developments. Talk to them, vent out and/or seek advice, whatever works for you.


It isn’t easy. I have wondered why some people did what they did or said what they said despite being nice to me at the face of it. However, letting go of these thoughts just makes it so much easier for one to operate in real life. You cannot be responsible for what another person is thinking about you, the best way is to let go of the constant speculation of the person or the incident in your head.


Holding a grudge against someone only harms you in the long run. So as far as possible do not hold a grudge. It’s this example of rotting potatoes that I keep quoting to my mom. Grudges are like potatoes, the longer you hold them, the more they would rot, that stink would only hit your nose first, it may not even reach the person the potato is being held against. So drop them. We don’t want any rotting potatoes.


Having said the above, what I have learnt and what I have followed for the past few months is to be aware. Be aware of the person who has disappointed you, cheated you of your trust, and lied to you. Let go of the constant speculation, let go of any grudge, but always be aware, that individual may just harm you again.

This may not be true for the people who are extremely close to you, cause you may want to deal that situation with confrontation. The above examples are of people of cross paths with you here and there, on and off, workplace or extended family.

I am a year wiser, wounded and healed, cautious of certain people. Thank you 2018 for being a lesson.

About the author:

I authored my debut novel 'Of Unspoken Words and Half Said Truths' in early 2020. The book sold out the first edition in the first few months of release, woot woot! I maintain this blog to express my thoughts on an array of topics from books, art, movies, shows, corporate gyan, lifestyle, relationships, and much more.

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